Saturday, November 3, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I make sure to continue to purchase those items that help me stay healthy along with following various bloggers, nutritionists and encouragers who help me stay focused. I also still hit the gym daily and being that my office has a state of the art gym, I am WINNING!
Let me say this with all that is within me, "You CAN NOT GIVE IN/GIVE UP" on your health journey. I also want to add that I promise that the pesky heart burn will eventually go away and you can stay away from that certain aisle for aid. Also, don't work out to be skinny but work out to be healthy. I add weights to my daily routine and I myself work out at least 5 days a week due to how it makes me feel.
I have also picked up a new hobby that this brother from the south NEVER thought I would ever take on - Rock Climbing! Yes Yes Yall, it is clearly a fantastic hobby and also aids in keeping you fit and healthy. Not many realize that many locations in your city actually offer rock climbing and although your fingers will be filled with chalk? You body will thank you later.
I have to go now and make sure I get at least 8 hours of sleep which also aids in weight loss, I also have been wearing those KILLER STAIRS OUT!!
Wish Me Luck!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
This weight loss jawn has been a battle that has been ongoing for at least three years. I personally believe that I had to change my network of friends simply because NO ONE was eating healthy. Now before you come out of a bag on me, I simply realized that we ALL were overweight and no one was willing to change so, I DID.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Man oh Man am I excited and I can not hide it from my blogger friends and family. As I have stated before, this weight loss and healthy living journey has been one for the record books. I have struggle with a healthy lifestyle for quite some time and now I am in my groove since moving to another city.
More info after the jump
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Today I did something that I haven't done in quite awhile - Working out EARLY YES! Oh to see the sun coming up on the water and fresh breezes off the water while I think of my dream home - HOLD UP! I must get myself back on the topic at hand.
There were young, middle aged, retired individuals all around and we all were there with one simple thing on our minds and that was GETTING HEALTHY. One thing that I noticed was how each one of us was focused on working out individually and not really needing anyone to sort of push us and that I found to be fantastic.
I began to think about how some people prefer the independence doing it themselves verses the corporate workout of boot camps. The boot camp craze has been in full effect lately with classes from the east and west coast and around the world as hundred come together for the cause of getting "FINE" as my mom would say.
Imagine you and your friends getting off work and heading over to an intense workout session at your local park lead by a sort of mental taskmaster who causes you to answer to yourself when you fall off the healthy wagon. The results are super amazing and boy does it get your blood pumping with workouts that include MAD Cardio and much more.
I myself like going the independent route and doing my own thing which includes the: Damn these leg lifts hurt and the ever present "I MUST get rid of these pesky man boobs" workout routines. Some of the boot camp experiences can sometimes be a breeding ground for women and often men to be mentally and emotionally taken advantage off by someone whom they trust with their lifestyle choices.
I believe that being apart of a good boot camp is an amazing fete and should be encouraged along with a healthy eating regimen - In other words, "You gotta eat right as well"
But I digress and continue on with the importance of a good workout which includes dedication and remaining focused on what is important - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!!
I must go now, I have to get ready for my morning workout along with the elderly ladies who workout better than me.
Wish Me Luck,
Monday, June 25, 2012
My weight loss journey is forging full steam ahead with my new addiction in a brand new city. When I lived in Louisiana, I would run/walk/jog occasionally in my local parks but never fully took out a strong hill. Well once I hit the state of Tennessee, ALL THAT CHANGED.
Living downtown is amazing with the strong hills and challenging trails along the mighty Mississippi river. My legs and thighs were what one would call in the workout world - A little loose. No one laugh please!! But I digress with the loose legs and move on to how strong they are now. I run daily at least 1 - 2 miles and thankfully I have included the concrete stairs into the mix .
My legs are stronger, my thighs are strengthening and I now mentally count every step I take when working out. Please don't judge me- That's just the nerd in me. I started out doing about 100 steps but now, I try and do at least 300- 350 steps.
I'm healthier, happier and I have lost a few chins If I say so myself. I also love my treadmill and have been to my local tailor for some fancy threads. Now if I could do something about how HUGE my head is now - YIKES!!!
Before the Workouts
After the Workouts
Wish Me Luck!!!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
On this crazy yet excited journey of healthy eating/living, I made a conscious decision to try out foods that I wasn't particularly raised on. Now you must understand that I am from the south, yeah THAT south which consisted of such finger licking foods such as: Fried Chicken, greens, neck bones and the like.
Welcome to Weighing Out, a site dedicated to all things healthy, along with lifestyle living for the reader who is determined to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. As many know and have experienced, being healthy is not just about being skinny. It is a lifestyle choice that can consist of a better diet, healthy hair and skin regimen and much more.