Monday, October 8, 2012

Soda's ARE Not Your Friend

After a great workout on the water I found myself at the market getting fresh fruits, veggies and more BUT that is for another post. I did however find something that is somewhat disturbing.

Soft Drinks/Sodas are OF THE DEVIL!

I must be honest, there is nothing like a good, cold and refreshing soda to help you wash down your favorite food. What you don't know is that not only are you ruining your teeth but you are also ruining your body as well as packing on the pounds.

I myself saw a HUGE decrease in my body fat once I let go of these addictive sugar water concoctions. I don't think we truly understand how much of a hindrance we are doing to ourselves when we drank these things. You know the routine:

1. It taste great.
2. You eventually have serious gas on your stomach.
3. Before you know it, your thighs are rubbing together - BAD VISION!

So glad I have given that life up! I must go now, I have work to do with my trainer in my head!!

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